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Located in the historic center of Palermo, Palazzo Mirto was home to the old, aristocratic Filangeri family for four centuries. They were given the title of Princes of Mirto (from the name of their feud in the region of Messina) in the mid-17th century.

Those were the days when the Palazzo was originally built, though several remodellings took place over the centuries.

The more recent changes were made in 1876, when the façade along Via Merlo was redesigned and a new entrance was built with a marquise, as was the fashion in Paris. In the same years, the restructuring of the second floor rooms led to a big apartment for the family. From that time on, the first floor was used by the Filangeris only when they entertained guests: it is now a series of lavishly decorated "public" rooms, with walls adorned with silk panels, tapestries, curtains and works of art.

There is also a Chinese living room, very fashionable in the 18th and 19th centuries; its walls and ceiling are decorated with scenes of everyday life set in imaginary Oriental-style architectures.

Typically Sicilian, instead, is the Embroidered Room: the walls are covered in embroidered silk fabric with scenes from Jerusalem Delivered.

If you plan to visit, please check on the House Museum's website.

Address: Via Merlo  2, 90133 Palermo (Palermo, Sicilia)

Phone: +39 091 623 0011

Opening Hours: Currently Unknown

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